Thursday, 18 June 2015



Sooo, God and migrants. Any instruction from him or guidance about how we should behave? Possibly this? Ezekiel 47. Bit of a stretch I suppose but it made me think. Do I own where I live? Own it enough to deny the needy access to it? Not so sure I do to be honest.

Divide it up as your inheritance, and include in it the resident aliens who have made themselves at home among you and now have children. Treat them as if they were born there, just like yourselves. They also get an inheritance among the tribes of Israel. In whatever tribe the resident alien lives, there he gets his inheritance. Decree of God, the Master.

1 comment

  1. So grateful that I do not live in Australia right now. I'd be so ashamed of my government

    Mind you, I suspect we could do a lot more here than we are. Our local big issue seller is a lovely Bosnian Christian, a refugee with very little [and a very sick husband who cannot work] She has SO little - yet she is always smiling and willing to talk of God's goodness to her. I may be frustrated at my current lack of employment & income - but we have a roof and food and clothes and health and much much more besides. God give us all more grace, to share our blessings with others.


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