Friday 3 April 2015

Reserving the right to be sad

Today is Good Friday. All over the Interweb Christian friends are putting stuff up saying "It's Friday but Sunday's coming!" or "A lot can happen in three days!!!" or "Don't Worry - Victory is around the corner."

This is all well and good and there is nothing to disagree with, it's just, can I say "Whoa! Slow down there Missy" Sunday will be Sunday and that's amazing but today is Friday - all day. It is a day in its own right. A profound and amazing thing happened today. Jesus decided to lose today. For me. For you. And it was sad and slow and horrible. I'm a bit uncomfortable with moving on too soon. Listen, I'm not going to spend the day in sackcloth and ashes. Life being what it is, this is the only day my family can get together for its Easter Meal and it will be great.

But just for today, just for some of it. Lets' not rush. Let's weep with those who weep. (It's easy to find plenty of those at the moment.)  Take time to think about Friday. Tomorrow will be Saturday with challenges of its own - God was dead and in the grave and Sunday will surely follow but today is Friday, Good Friday; a day of profound gratitude first and foremost.



  1. Thank you SO much for that. I am grateful to Him for everything, and grateful to you for this post. It means a lot.

  2. Indeed. Totally agree with FCs comment above. Found the happy clappy service in our town all a bit much really. [grateful for the amazing Tenebrae shadows service we had last night at our own church] This is the ONE day when I wanted to focus on the cross

  3. This is a brilliant post! I agree! I posted a Passion Poem I wrote on Thursday as I knew I wouldn't get time to blog when away but it felt wrong publishing it in its entirety on the Thursday when the victory hadn't happened yet, if you know what I mean. X

  4. Thanks all - so glad it's not just me that feel like this


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