Sunday 5 March 2017

Coming Apart

I am having a "Biblical Theory with No Biblical Evidence" moment. I have spent the weekend with an award winning migraine. I haven't had one like that in some time. It was a codeine level interruption to my weekend plans. And I did have plans. HOH is working the night shift in the hospital - helping people to get back into bed and wondering how anyone can need that many toilet visits. So my idea for the weekend was to do a lot of catching up - housework and all that stuff while he was asleep. (I am a very quiet housewife type person) Then work happened - with quite a lot of stress for some reason and I was pooped. But I still intended to work through everything on the to-do list. Then my head exploded so it was all I could do to copy small dog pictured above and place head under cushions and sleep. I think that I was definitely in need of sleep because I did and awful lot of it.
Which makes me wonder (back to non-Biblical theory) do you think that sometimes, instead of claiming healings and bouncy jigginess, we should accept that maybe God would rather we put our heads down and did nothing. And when we refuse to do so, he is able to make us do so? I have little or no evidence for this theory - except that I wouldn't have stopped unless I was made to and that I feel better now than I did before I was ill. 
Also - does this sound sometimes more like a command than a cosy invitation?

And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat 
Mark 6 v 31

And does it make you think that if I had just stopped when I needed to rather than when all the unpleasant Scanners type pain started, it would have avoided a lot of trouble. Interesting theory? No? Probably just me then. Anyway - back in the saddle and feeling much better thank you.



  1. I often think we should "come apart" in the biblical sense before we "come apart" in a physical /emotional /mental /spiritual sense. And sometimes I am too obstinate and too slow to recognise that. Hope you are feeling much better now xx

    1. Thank you - yes much better. Lots of sleep has made a difference. Probably would have been wiser to do it earlier.

  2. My grandparents strongly believed in rest.(Little after lunch nap) I wonder if a daytime rest has become non-normal in our times. Maybe if we built in a little time we would not become so stressed and therefore ready for all virusy things to attack, including migraines, very stress related.

    1. Yup, years ago I was getting lots of these and I gave up things as a process of elimination (chocolate, coffee etc) and it seemed my trigger is definitely stress.(My granddad was very ill and living with us at the time)


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